On July 3, 2024, in the Center for strategic research under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan was held a scientific-practical round table under the title «Topical issues of ensuring political stability of the Republic of Tajikistan in modern conditions».

The round table was attended by responsible representatives of ministries and government departments, experts from scientific and analytical institutes, civil society and the media.

Opening the event, Director of the Center, doctor of philosophy, professor, corresponding member of the National academy of sciences of Tajikistan Khayriddin Usmonzoda noted that the topic of round table — «Topical issues of ensuring political stability of the Republic of Tajikistan in modern conditions» – is very important and catual. The Director noted that the Founder of Peace and National Unity, Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, his excellency Emomali Rahmon, constantly expressed concern in his speeches and meetings with various groups of society about the growing threats of the modern world and their negative impact on national independent states, emphasized valuable and unchanging opinions regarding the political stability of the country. These fears of the head of state are not in vain, since followers of terrorist and extremist organizations are trying by all means to destabilize the situation in society, split and provoke religious conflicts. They widely use social networks to mislead the people of the country, especially the youth, and lure them into banned organizations. The difficult situation of the modern world, the emergence of extremist and terrorist organizations in cyberspace and the growth of cybercrime via the Internet force us, first of all, to pay more attention to the prevention and elimination of threats and challenges in cyberspace, and thereby ensure national security, including the information security of the state in the proper form .

Then, the Director of the Institute of labor, migration and employment of the Republic of Tajikistan, Mahmadbekzoda Moyonsho Shodmon, made a speech on the topic «Modern migration processes and their impact on political stability», the head of the Department for the study of regional security issues Saidhomid Sharifzoda on the topic «Strategy for ensuring political stability in conditions of strengthening geopolitical competition», editor-in-chief of the Department of law, security and defense programs of TV «Tajikistan» Fathiddin Zamon spoke on the topic «The position of the media in strengthening political stability and countering the spread of inaccurate materials», and the head of the Department of information supply Zubaidullo Davlatov spoke on the topic «Main problems of information security and ways to eliminate them».

Then the round table participants discussed the current situation of the political life of society and current issues of ensuring political stability of the Republic of Tajikistan, assessed the prerequisites and factors that strengthen the political stability of the society of Tajikistan, the current situation and, on this basis, developed recommendations on modern processes of strengthening and their impact on political stability, the positions of the media in strengthening political stability and promoting the country’s information and spatial stability in relation to these phenomena, on eliminating vulnerable aspects of economic stability and ways to promote the strategic development of public policy in the context of modern international threats and challenges in today’s conditions were expressed and opinions were exchanged.

At the end of the event, interesting proposals were voiced on issues of self-knowledge and self-awareness, protection of political independence, preservation of unity and stability of the country, which are of paramount importance and priority.

The event took place in the spirit of sincerity, mutual understanding and constructive dialogue.

Press service of the
Center for strategic research under the
President of the Republic of Tajikistan

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